Everyday Idioms


    Everyday Idioms

    Everyday Idioms. Идиомы на английском — это устойчивые выражения, которые используются в повседневной английской речи. Сделайте вашу речь красивой. 

    Idioms, with definitions or synonymsExamplesTranslation
    above board — honest, openHis business dealings are above board.честный, открытый
    ad lib — improvise, interpolateThe actor forgot his lines and ad libbed.импровизировать
    after all — in spite of the situation; neverthelessI knew it! After all, I was right! He returned to his hometown after all.все-таки; все же; в конце концов
    against the grain — contrary to someone’s feelings, principlesHis plan goes against the grain with her because she doesn’t like cheating.против чьих-то чувств, принципов, желаний
    all along — all the time I knew about his little secret all along. все время; всегда
    all ears — eager to listenI am all ears. весь внимание
    all of a sudden — suddenly All of a sudden, he refused to pay. неожиданно
    all the same — no differenceIf it’s all the same to you, let’s start at two. все равно; без разницы
    all thumbs — clumsyHe can’t fix anything, he’s all thumbs. неуклюжий, неумелый
    apple of one’s eye — very dear, preciousHer son is the apple of her eye.очень дорогой, драгоценный; зеница ока 
    apple of discord — subject of envy or quarrelThis question is an apple of discord in our family.  яблоко раздора
    as a rule — generally, usually As a rule, we offer a 5{e56558d49707db5156daabe27f99d34c339cce73b78ca4803d3a134d8b3aa061} discount. как правило
    as far as I know — if I have correct information
    As far as I know, he stayed home all day. насколько я знаю
    as far as someone / something is concerned — concerning; in reference toAs far as I am concerned, both the book and the movie are good. As far as your report is concerned, we’ll discuss it tomorrow. что касается кого-то, чего-то
    as for / as to — concerning; in reference toAs for me, you can always rely on my support. As for your report, we’ll discuss it tomorrow. что касается; относительно
    as well — also; tooHe knows math and physics as well. тоже; также
    at all — (not) in the smallest degree He doesn’t know French at all. I don’t like it at all.совсем (не)
    at first sight — from the first glance; at once; at first glanceIt was love at first sight. At first sight, it seems easy to do.с первого взгляда; сразу же; на первый взгляд
    at odds with — in disagreementHe is at odds with everyone!не в ладах 
    at random — without order or planHe chose those places at random. наугад; без плана
    at this point — at this timeAt this point, we can’t turn back. на данном этапе
    backseat driver — a passenger who tells you how to driveHis wife is a backseat driver always telling him how to drive.пассажир, который указывает, как вести машину
    ballpark figure — approximate estimate (in figures)I can give you only a ballpark figure at this time.приблизительная оценка (в цифрах)
    bark up the wrong tree — make a false assumption or wrong choiceThe detective was sure he got a suspect, but he was barking up the wrong tree.напасть на ложный след 
    be about to do something — be close to doing something; be on the verge of doing somethingI was about to leave when you called. I was about to open the door, but something stopped me.быть готовым сделать что-то; собираться сделать что-то 
    be all in — be extremely tiredI’m all in, I’d better go to bed now.очень устать

